Robert Sharf
Tricycle - The Buddhist Review

Buddhist History for Buddhist Practitioners with Robert Sharf

, a scholar from Berkeley, was interviewed about his assessment of the academic concept of modernism.

What sort of critique of the scientific view might otherwise offer?

The notion that the is composed of an independent, non-sentient reality that follows scientific principles and is driven by indifferent processes is a human invention, albeit a powerful and effective one.

While the importance of science cannot be denied, it is worth considering the methodology used to acquire scientific . Many scholars have addressed this issue, and Buddhism provides its own unique insights on the matter.

When we take the to explore Buddhism, we discover alternative perspectives of the world, different narratives that can be convincing in their own right.

We should not blindly accept Buddhist epistemology and cosmology, but it is important to approach it with an open and not try to force it to fit into modern standards.


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