New female dormitory inaugurated at Cambodian Buddhist University

Venerable inaugurated a new female dormitory at Preah Sihaknouk Raja University, Battambang Branch (SBUBB) in Cambodia on July 4.

The project, funded by the Buddhist humanitarian organization JTS Korea, received fundings and technical support, providing essential accommodation for female students from rural areas.

is the official in Cambodia, practiced by 97.1% of its 17 million people.

SBUBB has seen a significant increase in female enrollment, growing from 25% a decade ago to 71% today.

The new dormitory addresses the need for safe housing for these students, supporting their educational pursuits.

The inauguration ceremony featured speeches by SBUBB chancellor Venerable Dr. Vy Sovechea, who highlighted the importance of empowering women through education and the long-standing friendship with Pomnyun.

The event was attended by students, government officials, and representatives from the (INEB).

Pomnyun, founder of JTS and , emphasized the significance of providing educational opportunities for all, especially women in Southeast .

The new dormitory symbolizes hope and a commitment to overcoming gender discrimination.

The ceremony concluded with a ribbon-cutting and expressions of gratitude from the students.

This project exemplifies , promoting social change and empowerment through compassionate action.

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