Black Mahakala Statue Real Gold and Thangka Color

All about Wisdom Protector – Mahakala

is a male deity. He is the protector deity known as a in , especially most traditions, in Tangmi and in Japanese Esoteric . Maha literally translates as great and Kala signifies or death, hence Mahakala means "beyond the time" or "Great Black One". Mahakala is a protector deity and specifically the primary Protector of and . In some cases, Mahakala can also be a meditational .
Saga Dawa Festival

Tibetan Calendar and Festivals

There are different which are celebrated in . Tibet is rich in and tradition. All people enjoy festivals together to maintain harmony and among one another. in South Asia The calendar is a set of lunisolar calendars primarily used in mainland Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand as well as in Sri Lanka for and official occasions. While the calendars share a common lineage, they also .