About Karchen Palgyi Wangchug

Palgyi Wangchuk, known as the 'Resplendent Lord,' is mentioned in the Sanglingma biography as the father of Yeshe Tsogyal, while other sources describe him as her brother. He was a close disciple of Padmasambhava and attained siddhi through the practice of Vajra Kilaya.

The 25 disciples of Padmasambhava

The 25 disciples of Padmasambhava also called as Guru Rinpoche were instrumental in the spread of Buddha's teachings throughout Tibet. They emerged as masters, having achieved great wisdom, understanding, and success. These Mahasiddhas are believed to have special future incarnations due to their connection with Padmasambhava's terma treasures. To this day, these disciples continue to be reborn as Tertons, imparting the teachings of Padmasambhava in a contemporary and authentic way to new .