About Losang Lhagsam

Venerable Losang Lhagsam combines 20 years of experience in palliative care as a registered nurse with her spiritual journey as a Buddhist nun since 2000. Her deep understanding integrates the wisdom of Buddhism with modern medical practices. Ven. Lhagsam has provided compassionate care to many individuals, including her cat, during prolonged illnesses and at the end of life. She actively supports Cittamani Hospice and Karuna Hospice in Brisbane, contributing to their establishment and volunteering with clients since 1996. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care from Flinders University.
Venerable Losang Lhagsam combines 20 years of experience in palliative care as a registered nurse with her spiritual journey as a Buddhist nun since 2000. Her deep understanding integrates the wisdom of Buddhism with modern medical practices. Ven. Lhagsam has provided compassionate care to many individuals, including her cat, during prolonged illnesses and at the end of life. She actively supports Cittamani Hospice and Karuna Hospice in Brisbane, contributing to their establishment and volunteering with clients since 1996. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care from Flinders University.
Tibetan Buddhist Tradition