About Namaskara

Namaskar is used as a respectful form of greeting, acknowledging and welcoming a relative, guest or stranger. In some contexts, Namaste is used by one person to express gratitude for assistance offered or given and to thank the other person for his or her generous kindness.

Yogic Practice: Surya Namaskar

means in literature, and the term signifies salutation. Thousands of years ago, a great sage his fellow disciples created these unique postural and breathing protocols on the . They urged all human beings in their everyday lives to perform these yogic practices in front of the Sun for good , mental, and physical harmony. The life on the is only possible through the energy from the Sun.  .

Namaskar Mudra | It’s meaning and significance

The word ‘Namaskar’ is derived from the root word "namaha" meaning paying obeisance (Namaskar) or salutation. It is believed to be started in as a gesture to respect elders, salute , , Rishis, and so on. There are different kind of that heal different parts of our . Steps to do Mudra 1. Keep your hand on chest in namaste mudra. 2. Fingertips of both hands should touch respective . 3. Certain hollow is to .