Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal
Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal
Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal
Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal
Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal
Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal
Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal

Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal


SKU: HRSH-26259 Categories: ,


Samantabhadra thangka from Nepal is buddhist handmade thangka with dimension 102*73 cm. It is hand painted on cotton canvas in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Samantabhadra is depicted at the center of thangka.

Weight 100 Grams
Size 102 x 73 cm
Material Cotton Canvas and Mineral Color

Mantra of Samantabhadra

The mantra of Samantabhadra is OM SAMANTABHADRA MAHAMETTA HUM.

Iconography of Samantabhadra

Samantabhadra is also known as Visvabhadra who is naked called ‘sky clad’, presented with embracing figures the white female figure is called Samantabhadri in a body position called Yib-Yum togetherness known as the body of blissful union called Sambhogakaya. The word Samantabhadra means Universal loving Virtue. A union of the inner and outer world. The principle of duality is visualized in male & female, dark-light, love-hate, day & night. The co-emergence of wisdom with the fitness of action which is similar to compassion leads one to a state of Great Bliss.

The state of Great Bliss is akin to individual Nirvana. The eight embedded jewels represent the Eightfold Path realized by Sakyamuni. There is a small mirror representing introspection, sight, or form together with a jewel offering in the foreground.

The two hand symbols represent the sense offering of sound. The rainbow beams arising from the crimson nimbus around the head of Samanta Bhadra represent mastery of Boddhi Nature & one manifestation of the Sambhogakaya is the Rainbow Body. There is a small mirror representing introspection, sight, or form together with a jewel offering in the foreground.

The two hand symbols represent the sense offering of sound. The rainbow beams arising from the crimson nimbus around the head of Samanta Bhadra represent mastery of Boddhi Nature & one manifestation of the Sambhogakaya is the Rainbow Body. The co-emergence of wisdom with the fitness of action which is similar to compassion leads one to a state of Great Bliss.


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