Port Site of Palur in India
Buddhistdoor Global (BDG)

2000 years old Buddhist Stupa excavated at Port Site of Palur in India

Local government specialists and archaeologists have made a significant discovery at the port site of Palur in Ganjam District—an ancient dating back to the early spread of across the and beyond.

This discovery sheds light on the historical significance of Palur as a hub for maritime trade routes that connected with regions across the Bay of Bengal, including modern-day Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Excavations, led by the Odishan Institute of Maritime and South East Asian Studies (OIMSEAS) under the Department of , have been ongoing since August and September 2023.

The primary objective is to understand Odisha’s maritime trade relations with Southeast and map the trade routes that criss-crossed the Bay of Bengal.

Although the precise age of the stupa is yet to be officially confirmed, experts speculate it was constructed in the 1st or 2nd century CE.

Artefacts recovered from the site, including semi-precious stones, coins, terracotta figurines, and bangles, provide valuable insights into the material culture of the era.

Diana Sahu, reporting for The New India Express, shared images of the stupa and the artifacts on her Instagram account, further highlighting the significance of this archaeological find.


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