Award of Geshé Lharampa Degrees
The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Award of Geshé Lharampa Degrees

This in Bodhgaya, Bihar, , the was asked to lead the Gelugpa University Convocation and present Geshé Lharampa degrees to Geshés who had completed their studies in the past four years.

In the year 1970, a board called Gelugpa Examination Board was formed. This board consisted of abbots and examination officers who established guidelines and regulations.

Since its establishment, over 1000 individuals known as Geshés have successfully completed their studies.

These Geshés are now actively practicing and spreading the of in various regions across the globe.

The moderator for the event, Geshé Tenzin Sherab, clarified that over 300 Geshé graduates would walk onto the stage to receive their degree certificates from Ganden Tri Rinpoché.

After obtaining a Geshé degree, it is common practice to enroll in either Gyudmé or Gyudtö College to delve into the four interconnected commentaries of Guhyasamaja.

This tradition has been continuously upheld since the era of Jé Rinpoché.

While there are other texts that newly graduated Geshés must commit to memory, the ability to transmit the reading of the Guhyasamaja commentary is of utmost significance.


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