Living Pain-Free with the Gokhale Method
Rochester Zen Center

Esther Gokhale Workshop

Esther Gokhale, the author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, a great guide to posture and mechanics, will be in Rochester to give workshops on September 14 and 15.

She has graciously offered to provide a free session for our about posture on Thursday, September 14 at 7:00 pm at the Arnold Park zendo (see details below). If you would like to join, please RSVP to Keith.

The 7:00-9:00 pm sitting session at Arnold Park has been cancelled due to the one-hour, in-person posture workshop.

This 1-hour workshop led by Esther Gokhale will provide an opportunity to gain further understanding of posture, gait, and kinhin. It is a great way to increase our posture awareness while also taking advantage of the benefits of kinhin.


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