Expansion of the BDRC's Database of Contemporary Tibetan Women
Buddhist Digital Resource Center

Expansion of the BDRC’s Database of Contemporary Tibetan Women

The (BDRC) announces the significant and enhancement of its Database of Contemporary Women.

Historically, writings by women were often overlooked, reflecting the patriarchal nature of Tibetan .

However, in recent , due to increased education and efforts by Tibetan women, hundreds of influential authors have emerged.

BDRC’s project, funded by the US Agency for International Development, has doubled the number of contemporary women in its archive, making it one of the most extensive databases of modern Tibetan women available.

Now totaling 376 records, the archive includes enhanced metadata for existing authors and newly created records for significant figures.

These records provide detailed biographical information, links to major writings, and insightful narratives on each author’s impact.

For instance, , a prominent Tibetan , is highlighted for her poetic prowess and contributions to Tibetan .

Moreover, BDRC’s efforts aim to address the historical underrepresentation of Tibetan women, ensuring their voices and contributions are preserved for future generations.

By intentionally highlighting women’s achievements, BDRC promotes gender equity and empowers women within Tibetan society, while enriching global of Tibetan history and .


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