About Expansion

The expansion is the action of becoming larger or more extensive.
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From the Ground Up - CA

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Mother of all Asana- Tadasana

Tadasana is a standing in as exercise.  Tadasana is not described in medieval texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas. Tadasana is also known as the mother of all asana. Tadasana is also known as mountain pose. Whilst not the most exciting of poses, Tadasana or Mountain Pose is simple and un-technical. For that reason ego, most yoga practitioners ignore or pass over this pose. Tadasana is .

Kundalini yoga – A Tantric Yoga

is derived from which is defined in Vedantic as the energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is activated and channeled upward through the in the process of spiritual perfection. Kundalini is believed to be power associated with the divine feminine. Kundalini as a school of yoga is influenced by Shaktism and schools of . It derives its name through a focus on .
Tibetan Buddhist Eighth Karmapa Mikyo Dorje

Explaining Lama Teacher Karmapa Rolpai Dorje

Rolpai Dorje who is known as the 4th wearing the and Khacho Wangpoa was the 2nd . The Life of Karmapa Rolpai Dorje In this portion, we are going to learn the life of the Karmapa Rolpai Dorje, after the short etymological description of the word Karmapa Rolpai Dorje itself. Etymology of Rolpai Dorje Rolpaie Dorje (1340- 1383) was the fourth Gyalwa Karmapa. Earlier, we learn about the life of Rolpaie Dorje. Now, we are going .
Eight Mahasiddhas

3 stages of Evolution of Tantric Buddhism

usually refers to a special esoteric school of , practice, and ‘based on treatises known as ’. It emerged in northeast during the fifth or sixth centuries CE and then formed its distinctive features around the seventh century CE. Afterward, it expanded geographically outward to the , East , and Southeast Asia. What Is Tantra? Countless practices of several Asian have been lumped together by western scholars under the heading "tantra." The .

Sexual Principle and Practices in Yoga

In the Vedic and Upanishad periods of , total abstinence from sexual intercourse (), whether by action, or word was considered to be one of the highest virtues leading to Yoga. Yoga Practise Later exponents of Yoga, however, interpreted the injunction toward a continent life to mean that one should maintain a dispassionate attitude toward sexual matters and that there should be in sex. Some of the earlier Yogins stated that Yoga is mainly for .
Handicrafts from Nepal

The leading micro businesses in Nepal

There has been an of micro-sized industries in past decade and they have played the vital role in 's economy.  One of the prevalent and famous micro-business in Nepal is the . It is easy to set up these as people with limited skills can easily start a micro business from their own home. Cottage industry normally produces handmade products which can attract a lot of tourists. Although the of goes back .

Origin of Thangka Paintings

The actual origin of the  has been a subject of confusion. Some stories claim that originated from , some claim that they have been originated from , while some claim from . Is it Nepal? Though is believed to be painted in Tibet at first the real origin is from Nepal. It is because during the reign of in 6th century he invited from Nepal to paint the .

Tantra, its concept in East and West

Tantra is a word that can be broken into two sub-words: tan and tra Tan - meaning Tra - meaning translating into In other words, tantra is the tool of expansion. It is a purely . The way of practicing tantra is known as . There have been different concepts and practices of tantrism till the date. The practice of tantrism varies in the Eastern and Western world. Tantrism in Eastern World In the Eastern world, Tantrism is a .

Spiritual Objectives of the 4 Heavenly Kings

The have been a staple in for centuries, with two distinct visual : a royal representation in and Southeast and a warrior-like depiction in Central and East Asia. In Korea, the interpretation of these figures has been limited to their title, "," which translates to 'guardians of the world.' , also known as The Historical , has invoked the aid of the Four Heavenly in .