About Handicrafts

A handicraft, sometimes more precisely expressed as artisanal handicraft or handmade, is any of a wide variety of types of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by hand or by using only simple tools.

Products related to Handicrafts

The Masks of Nepal

is rich in hand craved wooden materials. Mask is one of them. There are various categories of mask found in Nepal according to different and . The main types are listed below: Ethnic Folk Cultural Deity Demons Ghosts Shaman Ritual Exorcist Bhairav Ethnicity, Mask Possession, and Mask Dances The Spatial Distribution of Ethnic Communities in Nepal is Gurung, Pahadi Castes Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Dalit, Kiranti, Rai, Limbu Newar Other Castes Tamang Bhotia, , .
Handicrafts from Nepal

The leading micro businesses in Nepal

There has been an of micro-sized industries in past decade and they have played the vital role in 's economy.  One of the prevalent and famous micro-business in Nepal is the . It is easy to set up these as people with limited skills can easily start a micro business from their own home. Cottage industry normally produces handmade products which can attract a lot of tourists. Although the of goes back .

Different types of Himalayan handcrafted items

are the specialty of the people. They spend most of their day making different types of handcrafted products out of stone, , wools, and many more. Stone Crafts Stone Crafts in dates back to at least two thousand years. Different earpieces, armlets, bracelets, anklets, styles of halos, folds of garments, manners of the sash, and many others are the distinguishing features that classify the variety of found in stone sculptures.  .