Overcoming the fear of death with Pomnyun Sunim
Kungto Society - KR

Overcoming the fear of death with Pomnyun Sunim

In an excerpt from ’s book, “,” the discussion centers on the human of death and the various beliefs surrounding the afterlife.

Pomnyun suggests that the fear of death stems from the uncertainty of what follows and is often mitigated by beliefs in an afterlife.

While the existence of an afterlife cannot be proven, Pomnyun argues that the belief in it serves to alleviate the fear of death, providing comfort and solace to individuals facing mortality.

However, he warns against the exploitation of such beliefs by institutions, citing examples of extortion through promises of salvation or costly .

Pomnyun proposes a shift in perspective, advocating for a deeper understanding of the nature of fear and acceptance of the inevitability of death.

By transcending the fear of death, Pomnyun suggests that individuals can live more fully in the present without being preoccupied with concerns about the afterlife.

Through insightful anecdotes and reflections, Pomnyun encourages readers to cultivate a sense of and contentment in facing life’s uncertainties.


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