Prabāraṇā Pūrnīmā, Bengali Buddhists
Art, History, and Heritage

Prabāraṇā Pūrnīmā in Bangladesh

On Prabāraṇā Pūrnīmā, also known as Aśbinī Pūrnīmā, in South celebrate a special . The term “prabāraṇā” refers to the abandonment of bad habits, while “pūrnīmā” signifies the day of the full moon.

From a Buddhist perspective, this event is an opportunity to reflect on past mistakes and pledge to do good for all living .

Aśbinī Pūrnīmā is a special day of celebration for Buddhists, as it marks the successful completion of their three-month monsoon retreat.

The day is also celebrated by people of all backgrounds in the Bengali , with the custom of releasing sky lanterns, or fanus, into the night sky.

This day commemorates the when the intervened in a dispute among and restored and harmony to the community.


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