Revealing Our True Nature with Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro
Buddhistdoor Global (BDG)

Revealing Our True Nature with Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro

The has announced a live by Mindrolling Jetsun .

The teaching, titled “: Revealing Our True Nature,” focuses on the Mahamudra style of practice, which enables practitioners to discover their true nature and the nature of the directly.

Tergar emphasized that Mahamudra teachings, drawn from the experiences of realized beings and transmitted by exceptional teachers like , can become a lived experience for practitioners.

Jetsun Khandro ’s teaching will explore how Mahamudra can be applied in the , helping individuals recognize their true selves and embark on a journey of self-exploration.

The teaching will also highlight the importance of connecting with and cultivating inherent qualities such as awareness, , and on the path of Mahamudra.

This event offers an opportunity for practitioners to deepen their understanding and practice of Mahamudra in today’s context.


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