NEWS73 countries attend UN International Vesak Day 2024 in Thailand
International Dharma News

The Buddhist Way of Building Trust and Solidarity in Thailand

73 world leaders from the community gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, to join the global celebration of Day, commemorating the birth, , and passing of Lord .

This year’s theme, “The Buddhist Way of Building Trust and Solidarity,” highlighted the enduring relevance of in today’s world.

The Thai government and the Supreme Council organized this 19th International Vesak Day to honor His Majesty the ’s 72nd birthday.

From 19 to 20 May, activities at (MCU) included , blessings, and academic seminars.

The Supreme Patriarch of Thailand presided over the ceremonies, where Buddhist leaders and scholars shared insights on reinforcing trust and solidarity within the global Sangha.

The core event on 20 May at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok saw the announcement of the 2024 Bangkok Declaration by the International Council for the Day of Vesak (ICDV), committing to a Buddhist framework for problem-solving and global partnerships aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Notable speeches were delivered by UN Secretary-General Antó Guterres, Director-General Audrey Azoulay, and ESCAP Executive Secretary Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana.

This year’s Vesak celebrations emphasized education as a path to enlightenment, with seminars on applying Buddhist principles in modern life.

The event fostered societal harmony and unity, advocating for , interconnectedness, and interfaith dialogue.

The global participation underscored the universal appeal of , promoting , harmony, and mutual cooperation on issues like climate change and human rights.

Reflecting on the 2024 Vesak celebration in Thailand, we are reminded of our shared humanity and interconnectedness, inspiring us to cultivate peace and understanding in our communities and beyond.


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