The Dalai Lama met with teachers Harvard University
The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

The Dalai Lama met with teachers Harvard University

The engaged in a discussion with groups from Harvard University at Thekchen Chöling in , HP, .

Professor , expressing deep gratitude for their longstanding friendship, emphasized their commitment to spreading the Dalai ’s message of and unity to the world.

The Dalai Lama delved into the of , highlighting the universal truth of and the importance of cultivating compassion and warm-heartedness.

He emphasized the fundamental connection between all beings, rooted in the nurturing care received during infancy, and the need to extend this and to others.

Participants raised pertinent about love and compassion, to which His Holiness provided insightful responses.

He stressed the power of genuine connection and the innate human for and .

Addressing concerns about societal divisions, he underscored the need to transcend differences and recognize our shared humanity.



  1. Arthur Brooks summarized the discussions, elucidating six crucial lessons:

    • Love is not just an end goal but the starting point of personal and societal change.
    • The primary focus of love should be on others rather than oneself.
    • It’s easy to overlook the importance of love amidst self-interest-driven societies.
    • Responding to ignorance with love and compassion is essential for healing.
    • Authentic connections with others are vital for effective leadership in teaching about love.
    • Recognizing our interconnectedness as humans is crucial, overcoming the illusion of division between ‘us’ and ‘them’.

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