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A question is a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or the request made using such an expression. The information requested is provided in the form of an answer.
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Samyama. Combined simultaneous practice of Dhāraṇā (concentration), Dhyāna (meditation) & Samādhi (union). A tool to receive deeper knowledge of qualities of the object. It is a term summarizing the "catch-all" process of psychological absorption in the object of meditation. For Patanjali, Pratyahara is the preceding stage to practicing and developing Samyama, the “spiritually unevolved” should spend time understanding Ashtanga yoga.

Questions & answers about meditation for beginners

can be an effective form of stress reduction and has the potential to improve of life and decrease care costs. Meditation involves achieving a state of 'thoughtless awareness' in which the excessive stress producing activity of the is neutralized without reducing and effectiveness. When did meditation start? Traditionally, the practice of meditation has been used in most Asian countries, but all over the world have used it for various reasons. .

The Chronicles of Pimbahal: History, Mystery and Enchantment

The stories have baffled the local residents of Lalitpur for quite a long and the mystery doesn’t cease to intrigue the researchers either. Heritage of the valley Kathmandu valley is laden with and cloaked in , stories and folklore. It is also a land of priests who practice , with magical powers, witch doctors and fortune tellers. It is a place that blends history with the ethereal. Renowned for .

Top 50 Books of His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama

The are believed to be an exemplification of or , the of , and therefore the defender of . are realized beings inspired by a wish to achieve for the advantage of all sentient beings, who have vowed to be reborn within the world to assist humanity. His Holiness the Dalai is widely known as ’s preeminent spiritual and teacher, embodying the very best aspirations of this .
Root Chakra Mandala

Root Chakra – Primary energy storage

The is also called in which is primary energy . It is located at the base of the spine in the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum. It is associated with your most basic survival needs. Where is root is located on the ? Muladhara is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense .

The Buddha’s Daily Routine – Life of Monk

is consider as a super energetic and most active teacher who taught the Eight fold path of Life and how to live in and harmony. was normal human at first with all the religious practices and he became the Buddha.  The Buddha's daily routine was divided into five parts: The session The afternoon session The first watch The middle watch The last watch The Morning Session (4:00 am to 12:00 .

The Buddha’s Way of Virtue

Introduction The was accepted at the Council of Asoka in 240 B.C. as a collection of the sayings of Gautama, yet it was not put into writing until some generations had passed, and probably contains accretions of later date. However that may be, there is no doubt that it breathes the very of the Teacher, and it has always been used in lands as a handbook of "devotion" or , in whose solemn .

A Short Story Of Amitabha

The Sakyamuni described the Buddha  to Ananda. The Light that issues from is the most brilliant, and none is comparable to him. In adoration we call him: The Buddha of  The Buddha of Immeasurable Light The Buddha of Boundless Light The Buddha of Inexpressible Light The Buddha whose Light surpasses the and the Moon Whoever is with the Light will enjoy a and life which is free of .

The Kalachakra initiation & preparatory steps

There are two sections to the  initiation, the preparatory procedures, and actual initiation. The six preparatory steps Step 1. Setting a proper and bestowing the inner initiation Setting the motivation involves the disciples purifying themselves by taking a bath symbolized by sipping a handful of and prostration. The performs a ceremony of sending out a cake, which symbolizes dispelling any obstructions to the initiation. The disciples then make a  offering holding flowers in .

Mandalas – Therapies & Diagnosis

Diagnosis with is a very popular subject, perhaps because we are virtually in with the concept of diagnosis. The idea of knowing more than others, and in a way that others cannot understand, can be inspiring. Even though the examples that are impressive in their own particular ways, there are far simpler and more reliable methods of diagnosis than , However, where emotions are concerned, there is no better method of therapy.  .

How to Buy a Mandala?

Few Before Buying Before buying a , one must have a brief of: How must a mandala be? What are the key characteristics and components of a mandala? What are the different types of mandala and significance of each one of them? What is your purpose for buying mandala? Firstly, getting familiar with the different used in the are important. There is a different kind of mandala available on the market. You cannot choose .