Zen Without Borders - Sozan Miglioli's Journey and Mission
Zen Practice and Retreat

Zen Without Borders – Sozan Miglioli’s Journey and Mission

’s journey into and his founding of Zen Sin Fronteras exemplify a profound dedication to making Suzuki Roshi’s accessible to Spanish-speaking communities globally.

Originally from Buenos Aires, Sozan encountered Zen practice through the Deshimaru lineage in Europe before his transformative visit to San Francisco’s City Center in 2013.

Inspired by Suzuki Roshi’s warm and intimate approach, Sozan left his advertising career to train and ordain at , aiming to propagate Zen teachings in Spanish.

Establishing “Zen en Español” and later “Zen Sin Fronteras” allowed Sozan to transcend geographical boundaries, fostering an online that now spans the Americas and Europe.

Amidst the pandemic, he adapted, moving his teachings to virtual platforms, garnering a substantial following through podcasts and social media.

Despite leadership roles at San Francisco Zen Center, Sozan prioritized expanding Zen Without Borders, recently transitioning to focus exclusively on this mission.

Recognized for his contributions, he became the inaugural recipient of the Teacher Fellowship, facilitating continued growth and support for his initiatives.

Looking ahead, Sozan plans to deepen Zen practice through retreats and community outreach, exemplifying a blend of Zen tradition with modern connectivity, rooted in his unique background in business and technology.


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