About Zen

Zen, rooted in Mahayana Buddhism, emphasizes meditation and direct insight into one's true nature. It seeks to transcend conceptual thinking and language to perceive reality directly, beyond dualistic distinctions. Zen practice often involves sitting meditation (zazen), koan study, and mindfulness in daily activities. It prioritizes the experience of awakening (satori) over intellectual understanding, aiming for spontaneous, non-conceptual realization of enlightenment. The essence of Zen lies in direct experience and embodying the awakened mind in every moment.
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Marathon Monk art

The Spiritual Athlete’s Path to Enlightenment

Throughout this world, there are many mysterious and amazing feats that can be found. People are capable of doing most incredible things that we have never deemed possible. Only by truly believing in ourselves can we accomplish what were thought as impossible goals. Marathon of In Mount Hiei of , there can be found a small group of who live in a and can accomplish many remarkable challenges. This mountain had .
marichi Thangka

Explaining Goddess of Dawn and Light Marichi

The Goddess of the Dawn is depicted in many different . Sometimes rides a white horse through the sky, banishing the darkness and driving back the night with the orb of the in the outstretched right hand. More commonly Marichi is yellow or red in color, with one, three or more faces and six to twelve arms, seated on a chariot drawn by seven pigs, or horses, removing all obstacles to and .
walking meditation

8 Benefits of Walking meditation

that is practiced between long periods of the sitting known as . The practice is common in , , , and Vietnamese. One of the most useful and grounding ways of attending to our is the practice of walking meditation. Walking meditation is a simple and universal practice for developing , connectedness, and embodied awareness. Required 10 minutes daily for at least a week. Evidence suggests that increases the .

Who is Padmasambhava?

For 2,500 years have considered with awe the achievement of . What induces such tremendous respect in them is not just that he gained , but that he did so without a teacher. Contemplating the difficulties that the had to overcome has given a very great appreciation of the value of a spiritual teacher. As Buddhism developed, and the three yanas unfolded, the role and significance of the spiritual teacher changed. .

Buddhist Ritual Items and Symbols

is one of the most established world that has ever seen. Over the great expanse of , it has quietly established its own set of symbolisms – that are as old as time itself. This is only but with all the religions of the civilized world. And as such, many of these are considered recognizable icons of and . The more prominent symbols .
Samyama. Combined simultaneous practice of Dhāraṇā (concentration), Dhyāna (meditation) & Samādhi (union). A tool to receive deeper knowledge of qualities of the object. It is a term summarizing the "catch-all" process of psychological absorption in the object of meditation. For Patanjali, Pratyahara is the preceding stage to practicing and developing Samyama, the “spiritually unevolved” should spend time understanding Ashtanga yoga.

Questions & answers about meditation for beginners

can be an effective form of stress reduction and has the potential to improve of life and decrease care costs. Meditation involves achieving a state of 'thoughtless awareness' in which the excessive stress producing activity of the is neutralized without reducing and effectiveness. When did meditation start? Traditionally, the practice of meditation has been used in most Asian countries, but all over the world have used it for various reasons. .

The Himalayan Yoga Tradation

The Mountains have been the home of sages for millennia. These great sages have lived and passed on of the yogic to disciples who then became passing on the teachings in an unbroken lineage since the . Twelve hundred years ago organized his teaching into five centers of the . As one of those five, our tradition is the Bharati lineage connected with the Shankaracharya at the Shringeri .