Products related to Buddhist Bodhisattva

The Samantabhadra Mantra Banner

Samantabhadra Mantra Banner

(: ; lit. "Universal Worthy", "All Good") is a who is linked to practice and . In , he the Triad with and the Majur. He is the patron of the and is said to have taken the 10 great that form the foundation of a bodhisattva, according to the Avatamsaka . Who is Samantabadra? In , Samantabhadra is a bodhisattva (-to-be) who .

Goddess of Wealth & Abundance – Vasudhara

is named Shiskar Apa in Lahul and Spiti. She is comparable to the in and Tai folk and Bhumidevi and in . She is also known as Goddess of  and Abundance. Who is Vasudhara? Vasudhara (Tib. Norgyunma), the of money, , and abundance, is a of riches, prosperity, and abundance. She is revered in many Buddhist countries and is depicted in and .
White Tara

7 Different forms of White Tara The Autumn Moon

. She is the one form of 21 manifestations of . is also called as Autumn Moon. White Tara and White Tara are probably the most popular representations of Tara. In , White Tara is known as . She is associated with . White Tara counteracts illness and thereby helps to bring about a long life. She embodies the that is and is said to be as white and radiant .