About Calm

In the context of Dharma, calm refers to a state of mental tranquility and serenity achieved through meditation and mindfulness practices. It involves the steadying and quieting of the mind, free from agitation and distraction. Cultivating calm is essential for deepening concentration (samādhi) and developing insight (vipassanā). In Buddhism, achieving a calm mind helps practitioners observe their thoughts and emotions without attachment, paving the way for wisdom and the realization of the true nature of reality.
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Shakyamuni buddha Thangka

Meditation on Shakya Muni Buddha – How to calm Body and Mind?

” is a word that means “fully awakened.” It refers not only to , or Gautama, the founder of the that came to be known as . A powerful way to discover our own buddha-nature is to open ourselves to the external Buddha. With continual practice, our ordinary self-image gradually falls away and We learn instead to identify with our innate and : our own . Before starting the place the / of Shakyamuni .
The Art of cultivating stillness

The Art of cultivating stillness

In Asian and movement practices, stillness is not just the absence of movement, it is seen as a powerful presence that infuses movement with depth and significance. An integral part of the movement It is truly captivating when , Noh actor, bugaku dancers or Balinese dancers pause in their performances because the stillness they exhibit is an integral part of the movement itself. This can be observed in Japanese Noh actors and Sufi dervishes .
Avalokiteshvara Thangka Painting

Samatha as a preparatory stage for Vipassanā

is commonly seen as a foundational practice, serving as a preparatory step for more advanced of , including Vipassanā. It plays a crucial role in calming the and reducing distractions, making it easier for practitioners to progress in their spiritual journey. Vipassanā, on the other hand, is considered an advanced practice that directly addresses the insight and components of the . It is often undertaken after a foundation in .
Marathon Monk art

The Spiritual Athlete’s Path to Enlightenment

Throughout this world, there are many mysterious and amazing feats that can be found. People are capable of doing most incredible things that we have never deemed possible. Only by truly believing in ourselves can we accomplish what were thought as impossible goals. Marathon of In Mount Hiei of , there can be found a small group of who live in a and can accomplish many remarkable challenges. This mountain had .
A scroll painting of Saraha, surrounded by other Mahāsiddhas, probably 18th century and now in the British Museum

The Mahamudra Practice – Unveiling the True Nature of the Mind

is a form of that emphasizes the nature of . In Mahamudra, practitioners aim to see the true nature of their minds, which is said to be empty and open. Origin of the Mahamudra Practice The main text of Mahamudra is "The Root Text of the " by the Indian  (not to be confused with the earlier philosopher). The actual practice and lineage of mahāmudrā can be traced back to wandering  or great .
What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

Downward Dog Pose and Downward-facing Dog Pose is also known as Adho Mukha Shvanasana. Downward-facing Dog Pose is an inversion in as exercise which is often practiced as part of a flowing sequence of poses especially which means the Salute to the . The asana does not have formally named variations but several playful variants are used to assist beginning practitioners to become comfortable in the pose. Downward Dog stretches .

The Legend of Manjushree and the Mystical Paleo Kathmandu Lake

meaning “gentle glory” is often perceived as a divine being who brought order to the valley when it was a Paleo Kathmandu Lake, by cutting down the Chobhar gorge, draining out the and making the land suitable for life. Even more intriguing is the way he did it, by using a supernatural armament, a sword of godly might, cutting the valley into two. On the historical side of affairs, there are .

Appearances and Identifications of Vajrapani

is one of the earliest and most recognizable characters of . He is known for carrying a  scepter and being a close attendant to the historical according to the . In , Vajrapani is entrusted to safeguard all of the literature and in this regard, he is known as Guhyapati - the Lord of Secrets. Different of Vajrapani Vajrapani manifests in a variety of forms and looks, ranging from placid .
What is Prenatal yoga?

A Complete Guide to Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal is a style designed for pregnant women to practice, regardless of their due date. The of , controlled breathing, and mental focus offers a variety of benefits to expectant mothers. This form of yoga can also increase strength and flexibility in the muscles used during childbirth. Prenatal yoga may reduce stress levels and improve sleep patterns during pregnancy. It may also alleviate physical discomforts such as nausea, headaches, and lower back pain. .

Health at Your Fingertips – Mudras

A is used in , , , and as a and symbolic gesture. The most well-known mudras are used as a way of channeling the flow of essential life force energy known as during yoga and practice. The term translates as "gesture,"' "mark" or "seal" that is derived from . Although they have been around for thousands of years and have appeared in various and , including , Egyptian .