About Hong Kong

Hong Kong embodies a diverse religious milieu shaped by various traditions, including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity, and others. Buddhism in Hong Kong encompasses various schools such as Pure Land and Tibetan Buddhism, emphasizing meditation, ethical conduct, and the pursuit of enlightenment. Taoism contributes with its focus on harmony with nature, yin-yang balance, and rituals for health and spiritual well-being. Confucianism influences societal ethics and values, promoting filial piety and social harmony. Christianity also plays a significant role, particularly among the population of Hong Kong. This religious diversity creates a rich tapestry where different beliefs and practices coexist, influencing personal values, community interactions, and cultural expressions in Hong Kong society.
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Products related to Hong Kong

Highest Price Mandala – Rakta Yamari worth $45 million

There has been a record that a was sold for $45 million. The is the artwork from . How much was the sold? In the year 2014, there was an auction held in for the and different other artworks. The tapestry was sold to a Shanghai tycoon for $45 million (HK$348 million) at auction in Hong Kong. when seen from a distance the thangka is a shade of red and gold .