About Life Lessons

In the Dharma perspective, "Life Lessons" are teachings derived from the Buddha’s wisdom and the principles of Buddhism that guide individuals toward spiritual growth and liberation from suffering. These lessons emphasize understanding the nature of suffering, the impermanence of all things, and the importance of ethical conduct, meditation, and wisdom. By integrating these teachings into daily life, practitioners can cultivate inner peace, develop compassion, and achieve enlightenment, thus aligning their actions with the path to Nirvana.
Jungto Society - KR

Thangka Paintings and its display about Life of Buddha

The portrayed in most of the is divided into the twelve stages of the 's Life Story. These twelve steps are known as the Twelve Enlightening Deeds Of The Buddha. The inclination towards the  process is the main concept of the Twelve Great Deeds. The Deed of promise The first deed is about the promise of Gautam Buddha to descend on the . Before Buddha was born as , he is believed to be .

What Tattoo Artists say about Tibetan Thangka Art?

The of and the seems to be parallel. As a tells a thousand-year-old story, so does the tattoo. Both have pretty artistic expression. These days most of the have been referring to make so that they might give some to the viewers. Here's an article by Heidi Minx that portrays the connection between Thangka and tattoo, and what other young have to say about .