Explaining Padmasambhava – The fierce Guru Dragpo

is also called fierce . Padmashamvara is from the Terma Revealed. Padmashamvara is from Treasure Lineage of Nyang Ral Nyima Ozer 1124-1192. The life of Padmasambhava In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Padmasambhava. After, that we will learn the short etymological description of the word Padmasambhava itself. Etymology of the Padmasambhava Padmasambhava is known as Byung Gnas in . Earlier, we learn about the life of Padmasambhava. Now we were going .
Mandarava Thangka Painting

Long Life Dakini Mandarava

is also known as The Long Life Mandarava. Mandarava was the virtuous, and beautiful princess daughter of the royal couple in Zahor. Mandarava is also known as, , . She is along with . She is one of the two principal consorts of great 8th century Indian teacher , a founder-figure of , described as a '' by many practitioners. Birth Place of Mandarava Mandarava was born to a .