About 8 Auspicious Symbols in Buddhism – Ashtamangala 21Nov2018 Culture, Design, Dharma, Gods, Hinduism, Symbols, Vajrayāna sadiksha The eight auspicious symbols are called as Astamangala in Sanskrit and bkra-shis rtags-brgyad in Tibet. These symbols are the most well-known group of Buddhist symbols and are traditionally listed in the order of: A white parasol A pair of golden fishes A treasure vase A lotus A right-spiraling white conch shell An endless knot or ‘lucky diagram’ A victorious banner A golden wheel 8 Auspicious Symbols of Early Indian Assembly Originally the eight auspicious symbols formed an early .Read More
Amithabha Buddha Thangka Painting 6Aug2018 Thangka sadiksha Amitabha Buddha is being portrayed as Shakyamuni Buddha but usually, he is often depicted seated in meditation mudra while earth touching mudra is reserved for a seated Shakyamuni Buddha alone. In Tibetan Buddhism, Amitabha is red in color (red being the color of love, compassion, and emotional energy). He is being known to protect beings from the negative emotions of attachment his unique emblem is the lotus. He is thus associated with the attributes of the lotus: gentleness, .Read More