About Norbulingka

Norbulingka is a palace and surrounding park in Lhasa, Tibet, China, built from 1755. It served as the traditional summer residence of the successive Dalai Lamas from the 1780s up until the 14th Dalai Lama's exile in 1959. Part of the "Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace", Norbulingka is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and was added as an extension of this Historic Ensemble in 2001. It was built by the 7th Dalai Lama and served both as administrative centre and religious centre. It is a unique representation of Tibetan palace architecture.
Art, History, and Heritage

The Dalai Lama Lineage through the Himalayan Arts

is the most recent in the huge line of lraders of branch of . He is considered to be an exemplification of or , the of , and thus the defender of . are realized beings inspired by a wish to realize for the advantage of all sentient beings, who have vowed to be reborn within the planet to help humanity. In 1578 the Mongol ruler Altan .

Characteristics of Tibetan Art – a psychological and meditational practice

started from the rock in and its subjects ranged from animal images of deer, ox, sheep, horse, etc to hunting scenes. have flourished very well during the period of the Tubo Kingdom. Especially after the installation of in , made a more progress. Introduction to Tibetan Art The heritage of conventional and the fusion of , and Han People’s art make Tibetan .
Saga Dawa Festival

The Yogurt Festival / Sho Dun Festival

The Sho Dun Festival is commonly known as the and is an annual festival that is celebrated at  or "Jewel Park" palace in . It is named yoghurt festival because yoghurt is offered to the  who happen to finish their retreats. It is a week-long gala celebrated in the summer, from the 15th to the 24th of the 5th . It usually falls on the mid of August. This year it is from August 11th to .