About Ravana

Products related to Ravana

Gokarneshwar – A sacred site on the bank of the Bagmati River

The Bagmati River is a of to . A holy dip in the Bagmati river is said to free people from all the sins they have committed in this lifetime. There are numerous legends surrounding the of the river and the creation of on its banks. Along with the great , Gokarneshwar, also known as Gokarna is one of the holiest places located on the banks of river .

Ram Mandir and the legend of Battisputali

There were scupltures of fairies placed inside the inner walls of Ram Mandir which led to the place being called Battisputali (32 fairies with butterfly wings). There is an enthralling story behind the fairies installed here. The epic Ramayana written by Valmiki has captivated people from all over the world for centuries. is believed to be the seventh incarnation of Lord . He is worshipped by from all over .

Goddess Durga – The killer of demon Durgamasur

is the original manifested form of Mother or . The meaning of Durga is  "the inaccessible" or "the invincible", is the most popular incarnation of  and one of the main of the Goddess  in the  pantheon. Parvati took the form of Durga to kill the demon . Goddess Durga and festivals In , Goddess Durga is worshiped during . Durga is worshipped in ten forms with one form for each day in Nepal and celebrated across the country .