About Sacred Mountains of China

The Sacred Mountains of China are divided into several groups. The Five Great Mountains refers to five of the most renowned mountains in Chinese history, and they were the subjects of imperial pilgrimage by emperors throughout ages. They are associated with the supreme God of Heaven and the five main cosmic deities of Chinese traditional religion. The group associated with Buddhism is referred to as the Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism, and the group associated with Taoism is referred to as the Four Sacred Mountains of Taoism.

Interpreting Buddhist Deity Ksitigarbha

is also known as primarily revered in East Asian who is usually depicted as a in the Orient. Ksitigarbha is known for his not to achieve until all are emptied.  Therefore, Ksitigrabha is also regarded as the bodhisattva of hell-beings. The Life of Ksitigarbha In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Ksitigarbha, after that, we will present the short etymological description of the .