Products related to Tibetan medical system

Prevention of rLungs Diseases by Tibetan method

is very basically associated with the and energy from the perspective. Many of the illnesses classified as “psychosomatic” in the West have a strong rLung character. Although wind is generally cool and is therefore related to “cold” diseases, its flexibility is also capable of fanning the . As a result, it is a contributing factor to many illnesses. Although the bodily energies are always present in the entire , the main location of .

Explaining Lama Teacher Yutog Yontan Ganpo

Yutog Yontan Gonpo is the second physician of . Yutog Yontan Gonpo is one of the founders of the . He is surrounded by images of the , , and tutelary deities. The Existence of the Yutog Yontan Gonpo In this section, we are going to talk about the existence of Yutog Yontan Gonpo, after that there presented a short etymological description of the Yutog Yontan Gonpo itself. Etymology of Yutog Yontan Gonpo Yutog .