Tibetan Buddhist Tradition

Products related to Tibetan Healing

Top 15 Tibetan Herbs used for Healing

combine the holistic principles of and the bounty of the with the philosophical and spiritual beliefs of the faith. The medicinal practice helps one to maintain a sense of balance between the and as well as the balance of the entire organism with the . According to this science, illnesses readily occur when a disruption in this balance arises. Top 15 Tibetan Herbs Calcitum (Calcite) is used for .

Prevention of rLungs Diseases by Tibetan method

is very basically associated with the and energy from the perspective. Many of the illnesses classified as “psychosomatic” in the West have a strong rLung character. Although wind is generally cool and is therefore related to “cold” diseases, its flexibility is also capable of fanning the . As a result, it is a contributing factor to many illnesses. Although the bodily energies are always present in the entire , the main location of .

Tibetan medicine – Elements, Energies, and Diagnosis

is a science, , and that provides a holistic approach to care. It is a science because its principles are enumerated in a systematic and logical framework based on an understanding of the and its relationship to the environment. It is an art because it uses diagnostic based on the creativity, insight, subtlety, and of the medical practitioner. And it is a philosophy because it embraces the key .

The Tibetan Medical Thangkas

The system of has been practised for over many centuries and is still popular for from different diseases. Tibetian is essentially the combination of : The first is named as "" and here we can find the brief explanation of all possible diseases. It is compared with the seed. The second tantra, named as "Explanatory Tantra" is composed of 31 chapters. It has an of .