OM MANI PADME HUM, mantra, mandalas and its importance

is the six-syllable of the Avalokitesvara, known as a and protector from the dangers. It is believed that one who this mantra, will be saved from all dangers and the misery in life. This mantra is widely used in for different purposes from chanting to using them in . The are often found inscribed on rocks, , walls, paths, the approaches and exits of the villages.


It is said that all of are contained within MANI PADME HUM. Shortly called a Mani mantra, the Mani mantra can be chanted and recited by anyone who feels like practicing it and doesn’t require any to do so. found on the are spun and gives the same benefit as reciting the mantra.

The mantra can be found on the small hand wheels or a large wheel with millions of copies of mantra inside.

The mantra is believed to be originated from , and later on, moved to . The pronunciation changed because of some differences in the sounds. There are basically two of this mantra, the form, and the Tibetian form.

  • Sanskrit Form – Om Mani Hum (Mantra of Avalokitesvara)
  • Tibetian Form – Om Mani Peme Hung (Mantra of )



OM MANI PADME HUM is also inscribed in . Those kinds of mandala have OM MANI PADME HUM in a circular fashion, and are painted in concentric from the surface to the center of the circle.  They come under the categories of the . These are usually found hanging on the walls of Buddhist monasteries and are often used in halls for focus and purposes.

They are also cravings of the mantra outside the walls of Stupas. Sometimes there are found in the center of the .


Importance of chanting OM MANI PADME HUM

Chanting the mantra is already beneficial for you in terms of you gain from it. It is supposed to bring out positive vibes and one can finally live with a pure attitude free of .

As described in , reciting this mantra will help you achieve the four qualities of being born in the .

The person who regularly chants this mantra has so powerful spiritual energy that seven generations of that person’s descendants won’t get reborn in the lower .

There are different kinds of Retreat centers in Tibet, , India, and Ladakh that focus on chanting OM MANI PADME HUM repeatedly to increase positive energy within you.




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