Geshe Tenzin Zopa on how to meditate on emptiness?
Thubten Norbu Ling - Santa Fe

Geshe Tenzin Zopa on how to meditate on emptiness?

In this talk offers profound insights into and the practice of .

Geshe Tenzin Zopa underscores the importance of cultivating a beneficial , rooted in for all sentient beings, before engaging in any action.

He explores the significance of meditation practices, such as and , in overcoming physical and mental challenges by viewing oneself as an .

Emptiness, the ultimate nature of existence, is a central theme, with Geshe Tenzin Zopa elucidating the concepts of ultimate truth and relative truth.

He explains that emptiness is the absence of inherent existence, challenging our notions of self and phenomena.

Through clear explanations and analogies, Geshe Tenzin Zopa guides practitioners on a journey to understand the interdependent nature of reality and the profound implications of realizing emptiness.


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