Thubten Jigme’s journey on mind transformation in monastic life

In this talk Venerable shares her personal journey within a monastic community, focusing on the practice of transformation.

She recounts her surprise at discovering that the most significant power for taming the mind came from her own practices, despite the supportive environment of the monastic setting.

Thubten Jigme, who embraced later in life, initially struggled with self-centeredness, a habit formed during her previous worldly life.

She found guidance in the of the eight verses of thought transformation, which helped her recognize and detach from self-centeredness.

Through this process, she emphasized the importance of and the recognition of one’s own afflictions.

Thubten Jigme also described her challenges with self-criticism and comparison, noting how these issues led her to undervalue her own progress.

She utilized and thought training to navigate these internal struggles, developing fortitude and a deeper understanding of her emotions.

These practices allowed her to hold even those with negative energy in high regard, viewing them as teachers.

Overall, Thubten Jigme expressed deep gratitude for the monastic community, highlighting how it provides a supportive environment for personal growth and fulfillment through introspective awareness and compassionate understanding.

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