Upcoming international workshop on Chinese Buddhist canons and eminent monks
From the Ground Up - CA

Upcoming international workshop on Chinese Buddhist canons and eminent monks

The International Workshop on Chinese Canons and Biographies of Eminent will be held on July 23-24, 2024, at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies.

The event aims to share the latest research and foster scholarly exchanges on Chinese Buddhist canons and the biographies of eminent , contributing significantly to the understanding of Buddhist and .

The workshop is backed by two major research projects. The first, led by Professor Limei , focuses on the Yuan Dynasty Official Buddhist Canon and the genealogy of Chinese Buddhist canons.

The second, led by Professor Tomohiro Saito, centers on the “Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks” with a particular focus on the Shinguji Manuscript Canon.

The first day features sessions on the Biographies of Eminent Monks and the latest research on manuscript and printed editions of the Chinese Buddhist canon.

Scholars such as Zhiyuan Chen, Dingyuan, and Tatsuya Saito will present their findings, followed by insightful discussions and Q&A sessions.

The second day will include a comprehensive discussion where participants will engage in in-depth debates based on the presentations.

The workshop aims to open new horizons in the research of Chinese Buddhist canons and biographies of eminent monks, fostering advancements in Buddhist studies in , , and globally.

The participation of esteemed scholars and researchers is highly anticipated, promising a productive and enlightening exchange of ideas.


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