Woodenfish Foundation Monastics Visit BCBS on Educational Tour
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

Woodenfish Foundation Monastics Visit BCBS on Educational Tour

On May 2, 2024, the (BCBS) welcomed an international group of monastics facilitated by the Woodenfish Foundation.

This delegation, comprising 8 , 7 nuns, and 7 laypeople, represented diverse and educational traditions, predominantly from .

Their visit was part of the Educational Tour, which encompassed numerous prominent locations in the northeastern United States.

The group’s itinerary included prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Smith, Princeton, and the United Nations, as well as the Providence Center.

These visits aimed to foster meaningful dialogue between monastic scholars and Buddhist scholars at various and academic facilities.

During their at BCBS, the visitors were able to explore the tranquil hall, the well-equipped classroom and library, and the serene Springtime forest surroundings.

They enjoyed meals thoughtfully prepared by the BCBS kitchen and expressed deep appreciation for the stone , constructed around a relic of Sariputta.

A highlight of their visit was the opportunity to interact with Anālayo, BCBS’s resident scholar .


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