About Alertness

In the context of dharma, alertness refers to the state of mindful awareness and vigilance in one's actions, thoughts, and decisions. It involves being consciously present and attentive to the moral and ethical implications of one's behavior, ensuring alignment with righteous principles. Alertness helps in recognizing and overcoming distractions, temptations, and negative influences, fostering a disciplined and harmonious life. It is essential for spiritual growth, enabling one to stay true to the path of dharma and cultivate inner peace and wisdom.
Daniel Aitken - Wisdom
PsyPost - Meditation

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The way to Heaven is also known as a way to . Way to heaven gives deeply symbolic meaning and explanation of the path to . in way of heaven The way to heaven consists of different symbols which have different meanings. This of the development of mental tranquility is often painted on walls. This mnemonic diagram depicts the nine progressive stages of mental development, which are obtained through the six powers of .

Vedic Meditation Technique

The Vedic Technique is a simple, natural, effortless procedure practiced for 20 minutes in the morning and evening while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. The Veda is the great body of knowledge that comes to us in an unbroken line of scholarship. From the Veda comes everything we know about yoga, the health science of and the Veda is the root of most of what is broadly called ‘Eastern philosophies’. Essentially, Vedic .
Samyama. Combined simultaneous practice of Dhāraṇā (concentration), Dhyāna (meditation) & Samādhi (union). A tool to receive deeper knowledge of qualities of the object. It is a term summarizing the "catch-all" process of psychological absorption in the object of meditation. For Patanjali, Pratyahara is the preceding stage to practicing and developing Samyama, the “spiritually unevolved” should spend time understanding Ashtanga yoga.

Questions & answers about meditation for beginners

can be an effective form of stress reduction and has the potential to improve of life and decrease care costs. Meditation involves achieving a state of 'thoughtless awareness' in which the excessive stress producing activity of the is neutralized without reducing and effectiveness. When did meditation start? Traditionally, the practice of meditation has been used in most Asian countries, but all over the world have used it for various reasons. .