Thubten Norbu Ling - Santa Fe

The Balancing Asana – Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana is also known as Tree Pose. Vrikshasana is a balancing . It is one of the very few standing poses in medieval and remains popular in as exercise. Vrikhasana is a standing asana that improves balance, focus, and mental clarity. The name comes from the vrikhsa means "tree," and asana means"pose."This asana requires the practitioner to stand on one leg with the other leg bent so the footrests on .

Yogic Practice: Surya Namaskar

means in literature, and the term signifies salutation. Thousands of years ago, a great sage his fellow disciples created these unique postural and breathing protocols on the . They urged all human beings in their everyday lives to perform these yogic practices in front of the Sun for good , mental, and physical harmony. The life on the is only possible through the energy from the Sun.  .

Trikonasana- Modern yoga Triangle Pose

Trikonasana or Utthita Trikonasana is known as Triangle Pose is a standing in as exercise. Variations include Baddha Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana. Trikonasana is a standing that requires strength, balance, and flexibility. In this posture, both arms extend with the legs spread apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree angle. The upper bends toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward but not necessarily touching, the .
Vinyasa yoga

What is Vinyasa yoga?

Vinyasa is a smooth transition between in styles of as such as Vinyasa Krama Yoga, , and . Especially, Vinyasa yoga is practiced when movement is paired with the breath. Description of Vinyasa yoga The vinyasa of yoga used as exercise including Pattabhi Jois's 1948 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and its spin-off schools such as Beryl Bender Birch's 1995 and others like Baptiste Yoga, , .

Sexual Principle and Practices in Yoga

In the Vedic and Upanishad periods of , total abstinence from sexual intercourse (), whether by action, or word was considered to be one of the highest virtues leading to Yoga. Yoga Practise Later exponents of Yoga, however, interpreted the injunction toward a continent life to mean that one should maintain a dispassionate attitude toward sexual matters and that there should be in sex. Some of the earlier Yogins stated that Yoga is mainly for .

Specifix Asana for Weight Reduction

The slim, svelte figure is a goal of our , especially for the female sex, so that the next series of may be of particular interest to women. From the of , the elimination of excess fat has been one means of achieving - harmony. Even before modern insurance actuaries pointed out the correlation between excess weight and high mortality, had determined that every pound of weight above normal .

Obtaining Relaxation Through Yoga

While the or postures which will be described later are a basic part of the practice of , we should continue our of , the non-physical phases of this practice. Some readers may find they cannot follow the rigid discipline of a full Yogic life; others may be seeking an easier path to and may feel that they are less concerned with their physical than their mental states. Breath control Breath control .

Seventh Step – Right Attentiveness

What is ? The only way that leads to the attainment of , to the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, to the end of pain and grief, to the entering upon the right path and the realization of , is the "Four Fundamentals of ." In them, the disciple dwells in of the , in contemplation of Feeling, in contemplation of the , in contemplation of the Mind-objects, ardent, clearly conscious and attentive, .