About Lifestyle

Lifestyle is the interests, opinions, behaviours, and behavioural orientations of an individual, group, or culture.

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Lifestyle of Monks and their techniques of making Mandala

Lifestyle of Monks & their techniques of making Mandala

The typical of rotates around chanting, and doing some artistic . There are different communities of in . The in these give education and people from different regions and other countries come to receive a classical . Little monks from the age of even from all over Nepal and other Himalayan countries are residing at this , in . It is not a compulsion for .

The Ancient Town of Panauti and its Heritage

Panauti is one of the oldest towns in situated at the confluence of the two rivers Punyamata and Rosi. Legend has it that a third invisible river also meets with the two rivers, making it a Triveni (a scared place where three rivers meet). Many believe Panauti was named after the Punyamata river. Moreover, Panauti has been called by different names throughout like Punyawati, Punyamatinagar, Panchal desh, Punanti and Palaati. The Town The .

The 9 Vehicles of Nyingma Tradition By Alak Zenkar Rinpoche

Our teacher, the fourth guide of this fortunate eon, the incomparable lord of sages, Sakyamuni, gave infinite as means to enter the of the causal and resultant vehicles, in accordance with the particular temperaments, spiritual faculties, and attitudes of disciples. Nevertheless, they may all be included within the three vehicles, which, in turn, may be further subdivided into nine successive stages. The General says: The ultimate definitive vehicle Certainly appears as three in number: The .
What is Prenatal yoga?

A Complete Guide to Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal is a style designed for pregnant women to practice, regardless of their due date. The of , controlled breathing, and mental focus offers a variety of benefits to expectant mothers. This form of yoga can also increase strength and flexibility in the muscles used during childbirth. Prenatal yoga may reduce stress levels and improve sleep patterns during pregnancy. It may also alleviate physical discomforts such as nausea, headaches, and lower back pain. .

The Balancing Asana – Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana is also known as Tree Pose. Vrikshasana is a balancing . It is one of the very few standing poses in medieval and remains popular in as exercise. Vrikhasana is a standing asana that improves balance, focus, and mental clarity. The name comes from the vrikhsa means "tree," and asana means"pose."This asana requires the practitioner to stand on one leg with the other leg bent so the footrests on .
What is Setu Bandha Sarvangasana?

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose

Setu Sarvangasana is a Shoulder-supported bridge or simply Bridge also called Setu Bandhasana. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is an inverted back-bending in and as exercise. Setu bandha Sarvangasana is one of the basic backbends poses that prepare one for advanced backbend versions. The term is derived from the Setu, meaning "bridge," bandha, meaning "lock," Sarva, meaning "all," Anga, meaning, "limb," and asana meaning "pose."   Of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana The pose .

Yogic Practice: Surya Namaskar

means in literature, and the term signifies salutation. Thousands of years ago, a great sage his fellow disciples created these unique postural and breathing protocols on the . They urged all human beings in their everyday lives to perform these yogic practices in front of the Sun for good , mental, and physical harmony. The life on the is only possible through the energy from the Sun.  .

Bhujangasana – The Cobra Pose

or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending in and as exercise. It is commonly performed in a cycle of asanas in (Salute to the ) as an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. The name comes from the words Bhujanga, "snake" or "cobra" and asana, "posture" or "seat", from the resemblance to a cobra with its hood raised. Bhujangasana is the Sanskrit name for a popular  .
Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga – Origin, Benefits and Asanas

is the tradition most familiar to Western . The term is derived from the ha, meaning "," and tha, meaning "moon." The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities represented by each celestial being. Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga. In , hatha yoga is associated with popular tradition with the of the Natha through its founder Matsyendranath. Almost all Hatha yogic texts belong to .
Vinyasa yoga

What is Vinyasa yoga?

Vinyasa is a smooth transition between in styles of as such as Vinyasa Krama Yoga, , and . Especially, Vinyasa yoga is practiced when movement is paired with the breath. Description of Vinyasa yoga The vinyasa of yoga used as exercise including Pattabhi Jois's 1948 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and its spin-off schools such as Beryl Bender Birch's 1995 and others like Baptiste Yoga, , .