About Limbu

Limbu is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken by the Limbu people of eastern Nepal and India as well as expatriate communities in Bhutan, Burma, Thailand etc.
Bokar Monastery, Mirik, India

10 Buddhist Monastery around Kathmandu

started after the birth of Lord , the founder of himself. was born in , at the Kingdom of Kapilbasthu as a Prince nearly around 500BC. He then left the palace in search of . Gradually, after his enlightenment, Buddhism became a presiding in the northern areas of the country. also started growing in mostly the central part of Nepal. Ethnic groups from .

Nepal Religion and Culture

, a place of eternal beauty, is a land of colorful , and people, , and picturesque scenery. It is popularly known as the highest mountain peak of the world, . Historically, Nepal has been a kingdom centered in the Valley for more than 1,500 years. During most of that period, the Kathmandu Valley has been Nepal's political, economic, and cultural hub and was once a sanctuary for waves of .

A Short History of Nepal: Ancestors, Casts and Dynasties

The Nepali People ’s geographical location as a buffer between and has massively influenced its development and character, as well as its two major national , and . Nepal is revered by as the birthplace of , and devotion is centered on in , the site of one of Hinduism's most shrines. Shiva is Nepal’s patron deity. The major Three major tribal groups have historically been present .