About Loka

Loka is a concept in Indian religions, that means plane or realm of existence. In some philosophies it can also be interpreted as a mental state that one can experience. A primary concept in several Indian religions is the idea that different loka's are home to various divine beings, and one takes birth in such realms based on their good and bad merits.

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Avalokitesvara Mahayana Pantheon

Who is Avalokitesvara? Avalokitesvara, the of , is one of the most important and popular . Avalokitesvara first appears in Indian . He is originally mentioned as one of a number of . Avalokitesvara is famous in the Pantheon as a Bodhisattva emanating from the , , and his Akti, Pandara. Who is Pandara? Pandara, goddess, is the of Amitabha, and a feminine bodhisattva. She originated from the syllable PAM. Her color .
Rigveda (padapatha) manuscript in Devanagari, early 19th century

Glossary of Sanskrit words & phrases

The following list consists of notable concepts that are derived from Hindu and Buddhist cultures and associated traditions, which are expressed as words in Sanskrit or other Indic languages and Dravidian languages. The main purpose of this list is to make it easy for one to find specific concepts, and to provide a guide to unique concepts of and all in one place. Many Sanskrit concepts have an Indian secular meaning as well as .