About Rangjung Dorje

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Tibetan Buddhist Eighth Karmapa Mikyo Dorje

Explaining Lama Teacher Karmapa Rolpai Dorje

Rolpai Dorje who is known as the 4th wearing the and Khacho Wangpoa was the 2nd . The Life of Karmapa Rolpai Dorje In this portion, we are going to learn the life of the Karmapa Rolpai Dorje, after the short etymological description of the word Karmapa Rolpai Dorje itself. Etymology of Rolpai Dorje Rolpaie Dorje (1340- 1383) was the fourth Gyalwa Karmapa. Earlier, we learn about the life of Rolpaie Dorje. Now, we are going .

Deity and Divinities of Nyingma Tradition

Tradition is the old school of is the name given to the followers of those original translations of the of the into . The Nyingma teachings are divided into the Long Transmission (Tib. ring gyü) of the and the Short Transmission (Tib. nyé gyü) of Terma; other teachings were received by directly in Pure Visions (Tib. dak nang) from or , in experiences or in dreams. Particular to .
Machik Labdron and Chod Refuge

Depicting the Painting of Machik Labdron and Chod Refuge

This is mid-20th-century of Machik Labdron and the Chod field displaying teachers and deities. Painting Chart Depicting the Painting of Machik Labdron and Chod Refuge N°1  Asaṅga was "one of the most important spiritual figures" of and the "founder of the Yogacara school". Traditionally, he and his half-brother are regarded as the major classical Indian exponents of , Vijñanavada (awareness only) thought and Mahayana on the .

The origin of the Graphic Arts of Buddhism

 is the artistic implementations  that are perused by  . It includes media which idolize  , and other of remarkable figures, both and mythical. Buddhist art explains the scenes from  the lives of all of the  and other graphic that helps to practice as well as physical objects connected with Buddhist practice, such as ,  and  . Buddhist art originated on the  following the historical life of , 6th to 5th century BCE, and .

Explaining Lama Teacher Gampopa

was a teacher in the lineage, as well as a doctor and who founded the school. Lord Gampopa teaches his student Dusum Khyenpa, the 1st . Lord Gampopa is with a portion of the Thousand of this Aeon above and the lineages of and at the bottom. The life of Gampopa In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Gampopa. .