Tribute of love and admiration to the majestic Himalayas

This series, “Narrow Road To The Inner Region 奥の細道,” is a tribute of and admiration to the majestic and her people.

It is also a homage to the poet Matsuo Basho, whose poetic travelogues have been a source of guidance for many over the past 300 years.

Through his visual travelogues, Oleg Yuzefpolsky hopes to bring together the creative energies of the East with the musical vibrancy of the , and fill my heart with inspiration and awe.

Oleg is the creator and curator of custom tours through and the Himalayas. He is a photographer, video , poet, and DJ. He was born in Odessa, Ukraine, and moved to the US as a refugee.

He relocated to India after completing his studies in filmmaking and screenplay writing at New York University, settling in the mountainous area of in the Himalayas.

Episode 2

Episode 3

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