Understanding the Psychology of the Yamantaka Tantra with Dr. David Komito

In this talk Dr. shares insights from his 36-year journey with the practice.

David discusses the unique perspective of effect vehicle practices, focusing on recognizing within oneself rather than seeking it externally.

He delves into the concept of renunciation, clarifying that it’s not about relinquishing pleasures but understanding that all experiences are part of the path itself.

Visualization plays a crucial role in the practice, with practitioners visualizing themselves as the deity Yamantaka to achieve a state of unity and nondifferentiation.

David also explores the significance of , emphasizing the connection with the ’s clear light to bypass personality and access nature.

He distinguishes between the generation stage, which focuses on visualization, and the completion stage, where energies move naturally and are shaped by the practice.

Moreover, David discusses the concept of energy resonance during completion stage practice, highlighting the collective impact of practitioners meditating on the same deity.

Throughout the discussion, Dr. Komito shares personal stories, emphasizing the importance of commitment, self-, and dedication to the practice.

He blends psychological perspectives with , providing a comprehensive understanding of the Yamantaka Tantra practice and its transformative potential.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3


  1. Tantra practice, specifically Yamantaka practice, is considered one of the highest forms of yoga Tantra within the Gelug tradition. Unlike causal vehicle practices, which focus on accumulating the causes of enlightenment, effect vehicle practices rely on the understanding that Buddha nature is already within practitioners. In effect vehicle practices like Yamantaka, practitioners approach emptiness, bodhichitta, and renunciation from the perspective of already possessing these qualities within themselves.

    In Yamantaka practice, practitioners visualize themselves as Yamantaka and utilize their Buddha nature to engage in the practice. This challenges practitioners to maintain a deep understanding of emptiness while embodying the qualities represented by Yamantaka. Similarly, practitioners approach bodhichitta from the perspective of interconnectedness with all beings, recognizing the inherent identity between themselves and others.

    Renunciation, often misunderstood as deprivation, is reframed as engaging with all experiences as part of one’s practice. Practitioners of effect vehicle Tantra naturally live their lives as a form of practice, integrating every experience into their path towards enlightenment.

    Effect vehicle practices like Yamantaka Tantra offer a unique approach to spiritual development, emphasizing the innate Buddha nature within practitioners and challenging them to embody enlightened qualities in their daily lives.

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