
The Noble Truth Of The Path That Leads To The Extinction Of Suffering

This is the third Nobel Truth. The first Nobel truth is The Nobel Truth Of Suffering, the second Nobel truth is The Noble Truth Of The Origin Of Suffering, the third is The Noble Truth Of The Extinction Of and the last one is The Noble Truth Of The Path That Leads To The Extinction Of Suffering.

The Two Extremes And The Middle Path

TO GIVE oneself up to indulgence in sensual pleasure, the base, common, vulgar, unholy, unprofitable; and also to give oneself up to self-mortification, the painful, unholy, unprofitable: both these two extremes the Perfect One has avoided, and found out the Middle Path, which makes one both to see and to know, which leads to peace, to discernment, to enlightenment, to .

The Eightfold Path

It is the , the way that leads to the extinction of suffering, namely:

  • Right, Understanding
  • Right Mindedness, which together are Wisdom
  • Right Speech
  • Right Action
  • Right Living, which together is Morality
  • Right Effort
  • Right Attentiveness
  • Right Concentration which together is Concentration.

This is the Middle Path which the Perfect One has found out, which makes one both to see and to know, which leads to peace, to discernment, to enlightenment, to Nirvana. Free from pain and torture is this path, free from groaning and suffering; it is the perfect path.

Truly, like this path, there is no other path to the of insight. If you follow this path, you will put an end to suffering. But each one has to struggle for himself, the Perfect Ones have only pointed out the way. Give ear then, for the Immortal is found. I reveal, I set forth the Truth.

As I reveal it to you, so act! And that supreme goal of the holy life, for the sake of which, sons of good families rightly go forth from home to the homeless state: this you will, in no long time, in this very life, make known to yourself, realize, and make your own.

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About sadiksha

Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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