Make Your Mind an Ocean

Make Your Mind an Ocean

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Make Your Mind an Ocean is written by Ven. Lama Thubten Yeshe. The late Ven. Lama Thubten Yeshe wrote Aspects of Buddhist Psychology.

“To start on the spiritual road, you must first learn to recognize your own mental attitude and how your mind processes information. Your limited, hungry mind will make it impossible for you to experience life’s pleasures if you’re all wrapped up in attachment to small atoms. External energy is so finite that if you allow yourself to be enslaved by it, your mind will become similarly finite. Small things can easily upset you when your mind is limited.”

Lama discusses the nature of the mind and the Buddhist approach to mental health in this series of lectures. ‘A Buddhist Approach to Mental Illness,’ a talk Lama made to a group of Buddhists, is very interesting.


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