Advancing Gender Equality - Progress in Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination
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Advancing Gender Equality – Progress in Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination

In the referenced article provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the advancement of gender equality within .

Raymond highlights significant milestones across various regions, showcasing the growing momentum towards the full of women as bhikkhunis.

Raymond notes the establishment of Anukampa Grove Bhikkhuni in England and the steady increase in bhikkhunis in Australia, including the of the first Theravada Dual monastery in Newbury.

Raymond also discusses developments in Southeast , such as the formal establishment of a bhikkhuni sima in Malaysia and the continued growth of the Theravada bhikkhuni sangha in Indonesia.

Moreover, Raymond emphasizes the grassroots efforts in Thailand, where the bhikkhuni community is expanding despite legal challenges, and the emergence of the Cambodian Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha.

He also highlights upcoming events, such as an international bhikkhuni ordination in Sri Lanka and the potential development of a multifaceted forest monastery in Italy.

Throughout the article, Raymond underscores the importance of gender equality in and its broader impact on the community.

He acknowledges the of senior bhikkhuni teachers and preceptors in leading these initiatives and emphasizes the need for continued support and advocacy for women’s empowerment in the monastic tradition.


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