Between art and spiritual practice with Stephanie Hoppe
Dharma Realm Buddhist University

Between art and spiritual practice with Stephanie Hoppe

The exhibition “The Practice of : Tapestries by Stephanie Hoppe,” presented by the Initiative, offers a captivating exploration of the intersection between art and .

Featuring 24 tapestries and rugs spanning Stephanie Hoppe’s career, the exhibition showcases her mastery of four selvedge handwoven and Navajo twill , alongside her use of hand-dyed, handspun yarns.

Stephanie’s art, grounded in nature and imbued with meditative qualities, reflects the ethos of the University, creating a harmonious blend of aesthetic expression and spiritual .

From the intricately woven Only series to the vibrant Triangulations and the contemplative Autumn Reflected in the Eel River, each tapestry invites viewers on a journey of introspection and appreciation for the beauty of the world.

Through her art, Stephanie demonstrates a profound understanding of as a metaphor for consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things.


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