FPMT Leaders Gather at Planetary Crisis Summit in London

During the Planetary Crisis Summit hosted by Jamyang Centre London, leaders from European Centers convened to discuss their role within the () in addressing urgent planetary issues.

The summit aimed to foster deep dialogue on mobilizing and supporting FPMT communities amidst the crisis.

Speakers such as Dr. Aaron Thierry, and underscored the gravity of the situation, highlighting its threat to humanity and ’s ecosystem.

They acknowledged the immense challenge of addressing such a complex issue while also expressing optimism about the potential for inspiration, , and a shared sense of responsibility among participants.

Guidance from teachers emphasized the importance of spreading messages of and interdependence in response to the crisis.

The summit was deemed historic as it brought together diverse voices that had previously acted in isolation.

This gathering was seen as a catalyst for significant cultural change and gradual transformation within the FPMT, aiming to unify efforts towards addressing the planetary crisis more effectively.

Analysis of the climate crisis

Dr. Aaron Thierry, an ecological scientist and system thinker, delivers a compelling analysis of the climate crisis and its far-reaching impacts.

He introduces viewers to the concept of “Active Hope” and discusses the “ that Reconnects,” emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and processing emotional responses such as anguish and in the face of global environmental challenges.

Dr. Thierry delves into the interconnectedness of Earth’s systems, including the oceans, atmosphere, and biosphere, illustrating how human activities have surpassed planetary boundaries.

This overshoot has resulted in escalating greenhouse gas emissions, ocean acidification, and widespread deforestation, exacerbating phenomena like extreme weather events, sea level rise, and disruptions to food supplies.

Highlighting the severity of these issues, Dr. Thierry stresses the critical need for immediate action to limit global warming and stabilize the planet’s climate.

He underscores the targets set by the Paris Agreement—to keep global temperature rise well below 2°C and ideally within 1.5°C—while lamenting that current efforts fall short of what is required.

Dr. Thierry advocates for transformative change, urging collective action and systemic shifts to mitigate the resistance posed by influential carbon-intensive industries.

He encourages participants to challenge existing norms and drive rapid and substantive transformations essential for addressing climate change and securing a sustainable future.

Ling ’s message to the Summit

In Ling Rinpoche’s message to the Planetary Crisis Summit the expresses his to participate in discussions addressing urgent global environmental issues.

He laments humanity’s historical neglect of the environment, leading to disasters and degradation. Emphasizing action and collaboration, Ling Rinpoche criticizes industries driven by , prioritizing money over people’s welfare.

He calls for leaders who value the well-being of both humanity and the planet, advocating for Dharma centers to actively engage in environmental preservation.

Ling Rinpoche highlights the intrinsic connection between environmental stewardship, Dharma practice, and overall well-being, urging widespread awareness and proactive measures to address these critical issues.

Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche’s message to the Summit

Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche, in his message emphasizes the urgency of addressing global crises like climate change by first addressing the root causes within our .

He advocates for personal transformation and advice to others without imposing Buddhist beliefs.

Rinpoche reflects on lessons from the pandemic, highlighting mental resilience and compassion.

He promotes using to contribute positively to the world, stressing both and secular approaches.

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